Analytical report “Human Rights and Ukrainian Police – 2017” (general review)

Human Rights in the Activity of Ukrainian Police — 2017. General review/ Edited by Krapyvin E.O. — К. : Sofya-А, 2018 — 36 p.

of Ukrainian police during a year and contains a general description of systemic problems in its activity as well as the role of the reform in overcoming them. Main focus of a publication this year is on the analysis of observance of human rights and freedoms by police related to the blocks of police work which are now under scrutiny of civil society and undergo reform — criminal, public security, informational. Analysis is based on different sources of information — ofcial statistics of state authorities, results of sociological research, scientifc publications, individual appeals of citizens and reports in mass media. Annual publication was initiated by the Department for Monitoring Human Rights Observance (UMDPL) within the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2008.

Editor: Krapyvin E.O.
Collaborative writing team: Baglai S.V., Kamenev M.V., Krapyvin E.O., Yurchyk I.V.
Design and layout: Yurchyk I.V.